<学内> 院生向け企画:2024年度 横断シリーズ講義 (2024/10-2025/1)


**** 太陽系物理学特論 / Advanced Solar System Physics  ****
<授業題目>   宇宙開拓 / Space Exploration

[全体まとめ] 笠羽 康正 (理学研究科 惑星プラズマ・大気研究センター)
[期間] 月曜第3校時 (2024/10/7 – 2025/1/20)
[授業形態] full English, on ZOOM —- 接続情報は「Classroom」に掲載!

人類の月・惑星探査が進む現代の宇宙開拓について、惑星科学的な側面、宇宙航空工学的な側面、そして生命科学的な側面の最新の知見を, 各分野の専門家が講じます.
Human beings are promoting space exploration by utilizing space probes and space vehicles to expand habitable area
in the solar system. We will give detail explanations on three accepts; i.e. scientific aspects, engineering aspects and life aspects.

  Science:    Y,Katoh, H.Misawa, Y.Kasaba, N.Terada, F.Tsuchiya
  Engineering:    H.Nagai, K.Yoshida
  Life science:    A.Higashitani

10/7   Earth          (Y.Katoh) [SCI]    [+ Introduction (Y.Kasaba)]
10/21  Sun            (H. Misawa) [SCI]
10/28  Venus          (N.Terada) [SCI]
 **** 1st report:  topics are provided by Y. Katoh from 1st-3th]
11/11   Jupiter + Io    (Y.Katoh) [SCI]
11/18  Mars           (N.Terada) [SCI]
11/25  Saturn and beyond & Icy Moons  (Y.Kasaba) [SCI]
12/2  Aerial Vehicle for Planet Exploration  (H.Nagai) [ENG]
 **** 2nd report:  topics are provided by N. Terada from 4th-7th]
12/9   Thermal System for Spacecraft               (H.Nagai) [ENG]
12/16  Robotics for lunar/planetary exploration   (K.Yoshida) [ENG]
12/16  Orbital robots for space debris mitigation (K.Yoshida) [ENG]
**** 3rd report:  topics are provided by H. Nagai from 8th-9th]
1/6   Space weather hazard and mitigation        (F.Tsuchiya) [SCI]
**** last report:  topics are provided by K. Yoshida from 10th-11th]
1/20   Influence of gravity and cosmic radiation on the physiology of life  (A.Higashitani) [LIFE]